How To Declutter Your Home In One Weekend
This time of year, it feels so good to declutter your home.
Like, get everything tidy so you can fully enjoy yourself within the walls of your home, instead of feeling like your house is just a giant “junk drawer”!
So trying to schedule in time to actually do any decluttering or organizing project can seem challenging.
That is why I created an entire system for how to declutter your entire house in one weekend!
By following these steps, you are sure to come out with a totally decluttered and tidy home.

Make A Plan for Your Home
Before starting the decluttering process, you need to start with a plan. Write down all the areas of your home you want to declutter.
I typically suggest decluttering by rooms. I have found that it is easier to declutter by room so you can stay focused on one area at a time.
Your plan should focus on what rooms you want to declutter. You also want to decide where you are donating or selling items.
Read more tips for getting clear on organizing below:
How To Change Your Mindset About Organizing Your Home
How To Think Like An Organizer
Best Way To Get Your Entire Home Decluttered
Set Schedule
Once you have decided on what spaces you are going to declutter, I suggest setting a schedule. Give yourself a reasonable about of time to work on each space.
Don’t forget to schedule meal breaks!! I also recommend giving yourself some extra time for “just in case”. Let’s say a project takes longer than you anticipated, giving yourself extra time either in the middle of the day or the end will help keep you on track.

Gather Supplies
After you have created your plan and set a schedule, grab some supplies to make your declutter move quickly.
I recommend large garbage bags for donations. Paper bags for items you might want to sell. Cleaning supplies to help you wipe down spaces before you put things back. If you own one, grab your label maker or Post-It notes for labeling bins or shelves. I also would recommend creating a playlist of your favorite songs to get you going!
I also recommend putting together a declutter caddy! A declutter caddy is a caddy that you use while you declutter your space. Inside the caddy are the things you need to declutter, like garbage bags, cleaning supplies, and labels.
My declutter caddy kits are for sale! You can DIY or have them printed and mailed to you!
Set A Timer
On the first day of your entire home declutter set a timer for your first category. Make sure the timer is loud enough that you can hear it. I like to set the timer on my phone. Once the timer goes off, quickly finish up your project so you can move on to the next.
If you are in the middle of a project, complete the current project before moving on to the next category. Readjust your timing if needed.
Declutter Your Stuff
As you are working on each space, try to really declutter down your stuff before you organize.
Ask yourself if this item is something you want to bring with you into your future. Does this item have a meaningful purpose? Do you actually use/wear this item? Keep these questions in mind with each and every item you declutter.
Be totally honest with yourself so you make sure you only keep what you need!
Decluttering things can be hard, so I have some helpful tips you may enjoy:
How To Think Like A Professional Organizer While Decluttering Your Home
Best Solutions For Parting With Sentimental Items

Create Zones in Your Home
After you declutter a space, group items together based on how you use them or by category. This is called a “zone” in the organizing world.
By creating zones for all your items, you are easily able to see what you have since everything from that one category is stored together.
Think of it this way, you keep your clothes in your closet so you can see them. Why not store all shoes together so you can see everything? Or keep your toiletries together so you know what you have!
When I work with clients to create zones, we always think about the most effective and easy-to-locate places in your home. Keep things as easy as possible!!
But figuring what categories should be stored where can be tricky, so I have some tips for you.
A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Minimalist Closet
5 Secrets To Bathroom Under Sink Storage
How To Organize Your Kitchen Without Spending Anything
Too Many Toys? How You Can Declutter Easily
After You Declutter, What Do You Do With The Leftover Stuff?

Finally, label everything you put away. This will help you keep up with your newly decluttered home. Make putting things away incredibly easy so clutter doesn’t pile up again.
Also it helps with family members who may not know where to put things.
You can use your label maker to label the drawers for clothing or shelving in the pantry. Add Post-It notes to bins so you know what is inside until you get or make other types of labels. By making sure everything is labeled, you can easily store it without having to think about it.
I have shared countless ways to create labels as well. From picture labels on the kids’ toy bins to decorative pantry labels! But my favorite are sticker labels pack you can get in my shop!
Declutter Your Home In One Weekend
To actually declutter your home in one weekend, you need to create a plan.
Once you have that plan set, create a declutter caddy. This caddy will help you as you declutter each room on your plan.
Group like items together and store them together.
Make sure you label everything. The labels help you keep your space organized because you know where everything is supposed to go.

The post How To Declutter Your Home In One Weekend appeared first on The Organized Mama.